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new rain gear

4.21.18 I am now at Fontana Dam. Here are some pictures from the past few days. It is finally warmer here although it is forecast to rain the next 3 days, tomorrow being the worst. Charlie brought me new rain gear today. Hopefully it will keep me drier. I hope so because for the next 4 days there are only shelters and campsites. No hostels. No towns to get in to. No way to dry wet clothes other than to just hang them up and hope for the best. I miss home but need to keep moving on. Seeing Charlie, Nate, and Emmy was great today. Thank you, Charlie, for making the long trip with the kids to bring my rain gear and sunscreen which of course I won't need now for at least 3 days. But the sun is strong when it shines as there are no leaves on the trees yet. In 9 days I will meet up with Rick (Ragnar) and Joe (Guinness). I am really looking forward to seeing them and hiking with them. I truly miss their camaraderie. We had a great time when we hiked last year on the northern end of the ...

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