5.3.17, 5.4.17

The weather had been nice so I walked 23 miles yesterday from Boiling Springs, PA to Cove Mountain Shelter, 4 miles outside Duncannon, PA. Rain and wind were forecast for today so I planned to walk just the 4 miles to Duncannon where I would meet my buddy, John Connors from Pittsville, MD. I couldn't wait to get off the trail today! I walked up on a ridge that prayed I would come down from. The rain poured, the wind blew, the fog never lifted. Tree branches went flying, trees blew over. I was never so happy to come down and meet my trail angel! John and I went to LA Tech together and he got up at 3 this morning just to drive to see me! And he was truly a train angel. We found a motel, ate a good meal, drank some beer, and I got to take a hot shower and wash my clothes! And it is still raining.

The Rock Maze AT between Mt. Holly Springs and Boiling Springs, PA

The Trail

My new favorite lunch:
fritos and peanut butter on a honey bun for dessert.
Then I am good to go!

Cove Mountain Shelter
where I spent the night of 5.4.17
near Duncannon, PA

Front Pocket

My trail angel, John Connors, who saved me from the wind, rain, fog, flying branches, and wet clothes!

A cold beer sure beats the cold rain!
                                                - Drew Weaver


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